Privacy Policy

What data do we store?

The data stored includes the fields contained in each submission form. We retain the data for as long as necessary in relation to the purposes of processing. The collection of personal data is based on consent.

Purpose of the collection?

We collect data to establish and/or maintain a business relationship, as well as to make contact.

Access, modify, or delete the stored information

You have the right to request information about the personal data we have stored about you once a year. To do this, contact the data controller. You also have the right to request correction or deletion of your personal data at any time.

Contact information for the data protection representative & data controller

Name: Linus Söderholm


Company responsible for receiving the personal data: Marell Boats Sweden AB

Data processor / technical responsible

This website is operated and maintained by CC Projects in Stockholm. In case of personal data, it is technically handled in the company's server rooms physically located in Stockholm. The website is patched and maintained daily in accordance with common web standards to continuously maintain the highest possible level of security.